Terms of Trade

VENDOR; The Vendor in this agreement is Zonte’s Footstep Pty. Ltd. ABN 51 105 918 456. PO Box 353 MCLAREN VALE  SA  5171  AUSTRALIA

PURCHASER; The entity who is named on the VENDOR’s invoice.

PRICING; All shipments will be delivered at ex-Belgium Warehouse Pricing as per the price list attached on Customer Portal less any agreed rebates/discounts plus any agreed freight/taxes. Pricing is quoted in the Euro.

MINIMUM ORDER SIZE; All pricing is subject to a minimum order size of one straight case.  Mixed case ordering is not available. Orders can include multiple products.

AVAILABLITY; Although most of our wines are widely available, some lines are strictly allocated on a market-by-market basis or have limited volumes.

TRADING TERMS / PAYMENT: 30 days from Invoice date by EFT or Credit Card to a limit of €5,000. The Purchaser may apply for additional credit facilities over €5,000 by providing trade references and a PPSR on debt will be registered.  Credit facilities on any account may be withdrawn or varied at the discretion of the VENDOR. International Transfer Details

BRANCH: ADELAIDE               
KING WILLIAM STREET               
BSB: 034 705
ACCOUNT: 038 688

OUTSTANDING MONIES; The vendor reserves the right to charge monthly interest at Australian Commercial Equity Banking Interest rates on all monies owing outside agreed trading terms by the Purchaser and further, the Purchaser agrees to reimburse the VENDOR for any Legal expenses, collection expenses or Bank Charges incurred by the VENDOR in the recovery or attempted recovery of overdue monies.

CLAIMS PROCEDURE; Any claims of domestic in-transit damage must be reported to the VENDOR within 7 days after receipt of goods or the purchaser is deemed to forfeit any claims for damages or set off against the VENDOR.  Please quote invoice number, delivery address and date, as well as all other relevant details pertaining to your claim, without exception.

CLAIMS LIABILITY; Subject only to the provisions of the Trade Practices Act Australia which necessarily apply to the contract and cannot be excluded, all other implied terms, conditions and warranties are hereby expressly excluded, and the VENDOR’s liability is limited to the cost of replacing the goods. 

ULLAGES; The VENDOR will accept faulty stock (including label damage, dry breaks, leakers or short fills etc.) for replacement only if seals on bottles are still intact and date not expired. Supply invoice number and delivery date must be provided in order to action replacement or credit. No replacement or credit will be forthcoming on stock broken or damaged on the Purchaser’s premises.

DATE & CHANGES; (E&OA) Changes may occur from time to time, and will uploaded to the Customer Portal.  The VENDOR reserves the right to change vintages, and product data without notice. Price list changes will advised to the PURCHASER with 60days notice via email to the email address provided.  

RETENTION OF TITLE; All goods delivered by the VENDOR remain the property of the VENDOR and the Title on any goods does not pass to the purchaser until all debts owed to the VENDOR on any account whatsoever, including Interest, Bank Charges, Legal Fees and Collection Expenses are paid to the VENDOR in full. In this regard the Purchaser grants the right to the VENDOR to enter the Purchasers premises, or any other premises where the goods are reasonably believed to be stored, without notice, to take possession of the goods. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is agreed that the goods are at the entire risk of the purchaser from the time of delivery.

AGREEMENT; The purchaser accepts all of the conditions of this agreement by ordering and purchasing wine from the VENDOR